The Commandments for Interview Performance
Thou shall prepare for thy interview
Thou shall rest and recharge 24 hours before thy interview
Thou shall arrive 15 minutes early for thy interview
Thou shall honor thyself in the interview — all comments and statements are supportive and gracious of thyself
Thou shall be honest and truthful — thou shall not lie
Thou shall speak with enthusiasm during thy interview
Thou shall sit tall, make great eye contact, speak clearly, and smile warmly
Thou shall listen attentively throughout thy interview
Thou shall anticipate and assume ways thy will be successful in the role
Thou shall use stories in thy answers
Thou shall share anecdotes and proofs of concepts in lieu of generalizations
Thou shall arrive with points to make in thy interview and thou shall make these points
Thou shall have questions for thy interviewers
Thou shall practice questions and answers with other people before an interview
Thou shall breathe and maintain eye contact throughout thy interview
Thou shall maintain composure and equanimity throughout thy interview
Thou shall send Thank You notes within 24 hours of thy interview
Thou shall debrief thy interview within 24 hours
Thou shall be gentle with thyself after the interview